I thought I'd share these with you. These are some of the custom t-shirt designs I've already made for my customers.
Again, Kleiner Zorn from Da Waaagh! has honoured me with one of his Orks. Check out his new Kommando-model!
A few weeks ago, I did an interview with Pat from The 11th Company podcasts. The interview is featured in this week's episode. Click the banner below to go to the episode. Our interview is situated around 1:51:30, but you should also listen to the other stuff. I picked up the habit of listening to their podcasts while painting my models.
Another update on my current project: the re-painting of my Tyranid swarm. This week I've finished my second Tervigon and two Hive Guard. The Hive Guard are made out of the body of the old Tyrant Guards, with the flesh hooks of the old Lictor posing as the Impaler ammo. The big flesh hooks seem suitably alive.
This week, we went on a short vacation to the south of France, to visit my parents - they bought a house there and are in progress of rebuilding it into a B&B. Yesterday we had a BBQ and of course the Wobbly Models made their appearance! My dad had the apron I'm wearing, made a few months ago to "show off" to in front of his guests :D